Is 1.2 Trillion Euros The Right Answer To The Wrong Question?
London, UK - 23rd January 2015, 12:25 GMT
Good News Or Bad News?
Once upon a time something good happened for Europe. The price of oil went down dramatically. When the oil price halved in the last months of 2014, there was no way for the European Central Bank (ECB) to fulfill its mandate of keeping price growth close to 2 percent a year. The ECB painted itself into a corner by targeting headline inflation, not core inflation, which excludes food and energy. Left with no choice, the ECB announced on 22nd January 2015 that it would begin printing digital money in large quantities, ie, start Quantitative Easing or QE in the near future. Contrary to popular myth, QE doesn't fight 'deflation', it rather causes it by keeping zombie banks alive. Why? Quantitative easing simply buries money in commercial bank vaults, by bolstering their balance sheets, when it is cash in circulation that is desperately needed.
Euro Printing
What Can QE Achieve?
What does the ECB's 60 billion euros per month of bond buying, or 1.2 trillion euros in total between March 2015 and September 2016, hope to achieve? QE from the ECB won't accelerate the euro zone economy in any significant way. The ECB initiative risks delivering too little, too late, leaving the bloc struggling to grow and afflicted by deflation. Euro zone QE has already come too late to lift the region off the reefs on its own. The most dangerous challenge for the euro and the European project is not deflation but the policy of 'real', as opposed to 'perceived' austerity, which is killing growth and employment. Further, this spawns fringe political parties and movements that seek to exit from Europe altogether.
Right Answer, Wrong Question?
So, why is euro QE the right answer to the wrong question?
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Best wishes

D K Matai
ATCA: The Asymmetric Threats
Contingency Alliance is a philanthropic expert initiative founded
in 2001 to resolve complex global challenges through collective
Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom
based global economy. Adhering to the doctrine of non-violence,
ATCA addresses asymmetric threats and social opportunities arising
from climate chaos and the environment; radical poverty and microfinance;
geo-politics and energy; organised crime & extremism; advanced
technologies -- bio, info, nano, robo & AI; demographic skews
and resource shortages; pandemics; financial systems and systemic
risk; as well as transhumanism and ethics. Present membership
of ATCA is by invitation only and has over 5,000 distinguished
members from over 120 countries: including 1,000 Parliamentarians;
1,500 Chairmen and CEOs of corporations; 1,000 Heads of NGOs;
750 Directors at Academic Centres of Excellence; 500 Inventors
and Original thinkers; as well as 250 Editors-in-Chief of major
The Philanthropia, founded in 2005, brings together over
1,000 leading individual and private philanthropists, family offices,
foundations, private banks, non-governmental organisations and
specialist advisors to address complex global challenges such
as countering climate chaos, reducing radical poverty and developing
global leadership for the younger generation through the appliance
of science and technology, leveraging acumen and finance, as well
as encouraging collaboration with a strong commitment to ethics.
Philanthropia emphasises multi-faith spiritual values: introspection,
healthy living and ecology. Philanthropia Targets: Countering
climate chaos and carbon neutrality; Eliminating radical poverty
-- through micro-credit schemes, empowerment of women and more
responsible capitalism; Leadership for the Younger Generation;
and Corporate and social responsibility.