2017 TOP 200 Memes and Agents-of-Change: Where will the next DISRUPTION come from?
London, UK - 21st December 2016, 9:20 GMT
Make no mistake: our health, homes, jobs and education depend on these fast evolving 200 memes and agents-of-change. We ignore them at our peril.
To paraphrase The Lord Howell of Guildford, my noble friend and distinguished member of ATCA 5000, at the House of Lords within the Palace of Westminster in London:
The top 200 memes and agents-of-change are "changing lives, changing societies, changing politics, changing international relations, changing powers and changing roles of governments. They raise again the philosophers' questions 'What is Government actually for? How does it maintain legitimacy and consent?' Remember G M Trevelyan's adage that 'Politics are the OUTCOME rather than the cause of social change'. Not all our political leaders -- in fact very few -- understand that!"
2017 TOP 200 Memes
Based on the accelerating and massive global feedback received by "Quantum Blockchain Robotics Artificial Intelligence Nanotech" Q-BRAIN Capital, Quantum Innovation Labs, Quantum Diamond Spintronics, ATCA 5000, The Philanthropia and the mi2g Intelligence Unit the following top 200 disruptive technological agents-of-change and memes are KEY to understanding the unfolding events yet to unfold in 2017 and beyond.
These technologically-driven disruptions are already causing massive re-engineering -- indeed economic, financial and social revolutions -- in every walk of our lives as they manifest and converge at present and in the coming years. The fast approaching technological Singularity is accelerating, fusing humanity and technology ultimately into one "Super Intelligent" hybrid. As the upheaval takes place, nothing is likely to remain the same. Amazing?!
In alphabetical order those agents and memes are:
1. Abundance Outside Scarcity Inside
2. Accidental Erasure
3. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
4. Advanced- Automation, Cracking, Energy Storage Devices, Hacking, Machine Learning
5. Algorithms and Algorithmic- Activity and Trading
6. Aqua Farming
7. Arms Race
8. Artificial- Intelligence (AI), Super Intelligence (ASI)
9. Artificially Grown Organs
10. Assured Identity Management
11. Asymmetric- Opportunities, Technologies and Threats
12. Augmentation and Augmented Reality (AR)
13. Automation
14. Autonomous Vehicles (AV)
15. Awareness and Balance
16. Battery Storage Systems (BSS), Batteries (Long Lasting)
17. Behavioural Psychology
18. Big Data Analytics
19. Bio- Catalysis, Chem, Chips, Informatics, Marker, Mass Fuels, Printing, Sensors, Signatures, Tech
20. Bionic Implants: Eyes, Limbs
21. Blended Threats
22. Blockchain
23. Blood Oximetry
24. Brand, Branding and Brand-Purpose
25. Cameras
26. Carbon Capture and Storage
27. Carbon Nanotubes
28. Cashless Society
29. Catalyst
30. Chemical- Sensors
31. Chimeras
32. Circular Economy
33. Cloud Computing
34. Co-creating
35. Code Breaking
36. Cognitive Computing and Systems
37. Comparative Advantage
38. Complexity
39. Connected- Car, Healthcare, Infrastructure; Connecting and Connectivity
40. Consciousness
41. Contemplation
42. Converged transportation
43. Creativity
44. Crypto- Currencies, Hardening
45. Cybernetics
46. Decision Support- Banking, Finance, Health, Insurance
47. Demonetisation
48. Design
49. Digital Ethics and Transformation
50. Digitisation, Disintermediation, Displacement, Disruption
51. Distributed- Computing, Ledger Technology (DLT), Manufacturing
52. Drones (Air, Sea and Land)
53. Ecosystems and Ego-systems
54. Electric Vehicles (EV) and EV Sharing
55. Electro Cardio Gram (ECG) Sensors
56. Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
57. Empathy Enablers
58. Encryption
59. Energy- Efficiency, Internet
60. Enhancement, Enhanced- Endurance, Human Intelligence, Strength, Lifespan
61. Entertainment
62. Ethics
63. Enlightenment
64. Exoskeletons for mobility
65. Explosion-in-Value
66. Exponential and Combinatorial Eco Systems
67. Exponential Technological Change
68. Event Horizon
69. Evolution
70. Facial Recognition
71. Fairness and Fair-value
72. FinTech
73. Food Security
74. Forensics
75. Friendliness
76. Fuel Cells
77. Functional Materials
78. Gene Therapy, Genomic Techniques
79. Genetically Engineered/Modified Organisms (GEO/GMO)
80. Global Patents
81. Graphene
82. Grid Computing
83. Health Diagnostics and Monitoring Technology via Patches, Sensors and Wearables
84. High Frequency Trading (HFT)
85. Human-Cells interfaced with Nanotech
86. Human- Flourishing, Only, Regeneration, Wellbeing
87. Humanisation, Humanity
88. Hydrogen Energy, Fuels, Fuel Cells
89. Hyper-Connectivity and Hyper-Networked
90. Imagination
91. Implantable Devices
92. Incentives and Incentivisation
93. In-context Experience
94. Infrastructure
95. Innovation
96. Interdependence and Interoperable-Communications
97. Introspection
98. InsurTech
99. Intelligent- Apps, Cyber Defence (ICD), Digital Assistants (IDAs), Transportation System (ITS)
100. Internet-of-Everything (IoE) and Internet-of-Things (IoT)
101. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
102. Just-In-Time (JIT) over Just-In-Case (JIC) for B2B, B2B2C, B2C, C2C
103. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
104. Life, Lifestyle, Longevity, Love
105. Machine Learning (ML)
106. Machine Thinking
107. Magic v Manic
108. Man-Machine Convergence
109. Marine and Tidal Power Technologies
110. Master, Meaning, Meditation, Mental Wellness, Messaging
111. Medical and Bioimaging
112. Micro and Nano Satellites
113. Mission Critical
114. Mobile- Banking, Payments
115. Modelling, Simulation and Gaming
116. Monitoring
117. Morals and Morality
118. Multi-Energy Station
119. Nano- Delivery, Devices, Materials, Medicines, Particles, Tech
120. Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP)
121. Next Big Thing (NBT)
122. Next Gen Trains
123. Nirvana
124. Non-Bank Banking
125. Negotiations
126. New Industrial Revolution
127. New- Food Manufacturing, Materials
128. Non-Lethal Technologies
129. Offshore Wind Farm
130. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)
131. Optical Computing and Optoelectronics
132. Optimisation and Outsourcing
133. Over-Connectivity
134. Pain and Pleasure
135. Payment Systems
136. Personalised Medicine
137. Pervasive Security
138. Philosophy and Physiology
139. Photonics and Light Technologies
140. Photovoltaics
141. Precision Agriculture
142. Predictive Analytics- Parking, Traffic Patterns
143. Positioning Systems
144. Post Quantum Crypto
145. Power and Power Microgeneration
146. Predictive Analytics, Psychology and Protection
147. Quantum- Clocks, Computing, Cryptography, Diamond Spintronics, Dots, Entanglement, Metrology, Resistant Cryptography, Quantum Technologies 2.0 (QT2), Teleportation
148. Questioning
149. Radical Life Extension
150. Real-Time
151. Recreation, Recursion, Reproduction, Responsibility, Resilience, Rest, Revolution
152. Remote Sensing Technology
153. Renewable Energy, Renewables
154. Risk- Management, Visualisation
155. Robo- Cops, Systems; Robotics and Robotisation
156. Safe Nuclear
157. Scope and Screening
158. Secure Storage
159. Self-Assembling Dynamic Networks (SADN)
160. Self-Awareness, Serendipity, Singularity and Synchronicity
161. Self-Driving Vehicles (SDV)
162. Semantic Web
163. Sensing Technologies
164. Sharing Economy
165. Situational-Awareness
166. Smart- Cities, Devices, Homes, Grids, Offices, Transport, TVs Security, Sensors, Watches
167. Social Code and Social Policy
168. Software Eats World
169. Solar Paints and Panels
170. Soul and Soul-less; Spirit and Spirituality; Spiritual-Machines
171. Space Technologies
172. Stem Cells
173. Storytelling
174. Strategy and Strategic Technologies
175. Stretchable Electronics
176. Subjective-Reasoning
177. Superconductivity
178. Superposition
179. Surveillance
180. Sustainability
181. Technology Trends
182. Telematics
183. Telemedicine
184. Terrorism Informatics
185. Tissue Printing
186. Toxicity
187. Tracking
188. Transaction Engines
189. Transhumanism
190. Trust and Truth Voting
191. Ubiquitous Computing & Communications Globally
192. Ultra Thin and Flexible Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
193. Uncertainty
194. Vertical Farming
195. Virtualisation and Virtual Reality (VR)
196. Waste Management, Waste-to-Biofuel
197. Wearable Technology
198. Wind Turbine Technologies
199. Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi)
200. Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP)
Source: QiLabs.net 1. Funding Form 2. Involvement Form 3. iQ:Ei Club
What are your thoughts, observations and views? We are keen to listen and to learn.
Best wishes

D K Matai
ATCA: The Asymmetric Threats
Contingency Alliance is a philanthropic expert initiative founded
in 2001 to resolve complex global challenges through collective
Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom
based global economy. Adhering to the doctrine of non-violence,
ATCA addresses asymmetric threats and social opportunities arising
from climate chaos and the environment; radical poverty and microfinance;
geo-politics and energy; organised crime & extremism; advanced
technologies -- bio, info, nano, robo & AI; demographic skews
and resource shortages; pandemics; financial systems and systemic
risk; as well as transhumanism and ethics. Present membership
of ATCA is by invitation only and has over 5,000 distinguished
members from over 120 countries: including 1,000 Parliamentarians;
1,500 Chairmen and CEOs of corporations; 1,000 Heads of NGOs;
750 Directors at Academic Centres of Excellence; 500 Inventors
and Original thinkers; as well as 250 Editors-in-Chief of major
The Philanthropia, founded in 2005, brings together over
1,000 leading individual and private philanthropists, family offices,
foundations, private banks, non-governmental organisations and
specialist advisors to address complex global challenges such
as countering climate chaos, reducing radical poverty and developing
global leadership for the younger generation through the appliance
of science and technology, leveraging acumen and finance, as well
as encouraging collaboration with a strong commitment to ethics.
Philanthropia emphasises multi-faith spiritual values: introspection,
healthy living and ecology. Philanthropia Targets: Countering
climate chaos and carbon neutrality; Eliminating radical poverty
-- through micro-credit schemes, empowerment of women and more
responsible capitalism; Leadership for the Younger Generation;
and Corporate and social responsibility.