Global Financial Crisis: Opportunities
and Threats: Draft 0.1
Expert Feedback & Open Invitation
London, UK - 9th October 2008, 08:50 GMT
Dear ATCA Colleagues
[Please note that the views presented by individual contributors
are not necessarily representative of the views of ATCA, which is neutral.
ATCA conducts collective Socratic dialogue on global opportunities and threats.]
Here is a consolidated digest of the key "Opportunities
and Threats" as you have kindly presented to the ATCA Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW) and the mi2g Intelligence Unit from across
the globe -- over 120 countries -- in regard to The Global Financial Crisis:
. Humanity is moving with hiccups towards greater humility, acting in concert
and collective thinking. Nation states are recognising their inter-dependence
within the global community of sovereign nations.
. Small is beautiful. The way out of economic difficulty is through the
creativity and the ingenuity of small to medium size businesses as they
have the ability to create employment and reinvent processes in all kinds
of economic conditions.
. The global economy will no longer be driven by two or three trading blocs,
as other smaller trans-national and regional engines are gaining significance.
[ATCA Membership]
. Ignorance, hubris and arrogance in the corporate, individual and government
spheres. Leadership based on "I" and not "We" -- me-first
and me-last as opposed to our mutual interest and joint well being!
. Inflation has increased input costs, which has trickled down to higher
prices in stores. However, in the medium to long term the threat of deflation
across all asset classes is much larger because of massive and unprecedented
demand destruction.
. Businesses and consumers are being hit by a double whammy: a decreasing
cash flow and a dip in the value of assets on the balance sheet. This may
continue to sap confidence.
[ATCA Membership]
Expert Feedback
Thank you for all the expert feedback you have provided to the ATCA Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW) and the mi2g Intelligence Unit from across
the globe in regard to how the global financial crisis is affecting you
and the organisations you chair or actively manage since July 2007. We have
amassed a huge database of information intelligence on what is going on
in over 120 countries worldwide as a result of the longest running Socratic
dialogue on ATCA, which started almost two years ago. Thank you for your
commitment and excellence of contributions. We are immensely grateful. Whilst
we may not be able to publish all of the feedback we receive, or we may
be requested not to publish in many instances, we do still add the feedback
received to the central database of expert knowledge held within ATCA.
It is particularly heartening to note that optimism prevails and you feel
that there are fantastic asymmetric opportunities by way of silver linings
amongst the dark clouds of rising asymmetric threats and unintended consequences
from The Great Unwind, which has manifest in the real economy as The Global
Financial Crisis. We would love to continue hearing from you as a distinguished
ATCA or The Philanthropia friend or member.
If we have missed your thoughts, observations and views in this initial
draft, feel free to write back and we will seek to incorporate your thinking
in future drafts under Chatham House rule, ie, your thoughts will be mentioned
without mentioning source given the sensitivity on these critical issues
for governments, regulators, central banks, financial institutions and large
businesses amongst the high profile distinguished ATCA members.
Open Invitation
You are invited. We are planning a small select roundtable on 15th October
2008 at 6:00pm in the City of London to discuss the Global Financial Crisis:
Opportunities and Threats. If you would like to join us or get a summary
of the proceedings under Chatham House rule, please write back. We will
consider doing a repeat event towards the end of October if we are unable
to fulfil your request to participate on the first occasion.
We welcome your thoughts, observations and views. Thank you.
Best wishes
ATCA: The Asymmetric Threats
Contingency Alliance is a philanthropic expert initiative founded
in 2001 to resolve complex global challenges through collective
Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom
based global economy. Adhering to the doctrine of non-violence,
ATCA addresses asymmetric threats and social opportunities arising
from climate chaos and the environment; radical poverty and microfinance;
geo-politics and energy; organised crime & extremism; advanced
technologies -- bio, info, nano, robo & AI; demographic skews
and resource shortages; pandemics; financial systems and systemic
risk; as well as transhumanism and ethics. Present membership
of ATCA is by invitation only and has over 5,000 distinguished
members from over 120 countries: including 1,000 Parliamentarians;
1,500 Chairmen and CEOs of corporations; 1,000 Heads of NGOs;
750 Directors at Academic Centres of Excellence; 500 Inventors
and Original thinkers; as well as 250 Editors-in-Chief of major
The Philanthropia, founded in 2005, brings together over
1,000 leading individual and private philanthropists, family offices,
foundations, private banks, non-governmental organisations and
specialist advisors to address complex global challenges such
as countering climate chaos, reducing radical poverty and developing
global leadership for the younger generation through the appliance
of science and technology, leveraging acumen and finance, as well
as encouraging collaboration with a strong commitment to ethics.
Philanthropia emphasises multi-faith spiritual values: introspection,
healthy living and ecology. Philanthropia Targets: Countering
climate chaos and carbon neutrality; Eliminating radical poverty
-- through micro-credit schemes, empowerment of women and more
responsible capitalism; Leadership for the Younger Generation;
and Corporate and social responsibility.
Intelligence Unit | mi2g | tel +44 (0) 20 7712 1782 fax +44
(0) 20 7712 1501 | internet www.mi2g.net
mi2g: Winner of the Queen's Award for Enterprise in the category
of Innovation