Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Computers and The Quantum Mind
London, UK - 1st August 2009, 20:46 GMT
Dear ATCA Open & Philanthropia Friends
[Please note that the views presented by individual contributors are not necessarily representative of the views of ATCA, which is neutral. ATCA conducts collective Socratic dialogue on global opportunities and threats.]

In case you missed our Twitter MicroBlogs here are the highlights on this Socratic dialogue, which is presently underway:
Quantum Mechanics describes the "irrational" behaviour of molecules, atoms, nuclei and sub-atomic elementary particles. These microscopic bodies, within us and without, do not follow the same laws of logic or linear mechanics that seem to work so well in the macroscopic world.
Quantum Computers are machines that take advantage of the exotic properties of Quantum Mechanics: First, systems can at the same time be in a state which is a combination of two, sometimes contrary, configurations like 1 and 0. Second, they use another property of quantum mechanics - entanglement - to do super-efficient parallel processing. Exploring these two properties has allowed scientists to come up with algorithms (codes) which can solve certain problems in quantum computers much faster than what we can currently achieve with conventional computers. Qubits are the units of quantum information, much in the same way that bits are in conventional computers. The difference is that they don’t just take the states 0 and 1, but any superposition of these two. They are used to store and manipulate information in quantum computers. To read more, please click here.
Quantum Mind postulates that classical mechanics cannot fully explain human consciousness and proposes that quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum entanglement and superposition play an important part in the brain's function and form the basis of explanation of our consciousness. The human brain's Quantum Mind acts as a Quantum Computer and tries all "Many Worlds" possibilities at once, thus finding an optimal solution to a multi-dimensional problem very quickly. This it manages to do much better and faster than conventional computers!
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We welcome your thoughts, observations and views. To reflect further on this subject and others, please respond within Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn's ATCA Open and related discussion platform of HQR. Should you wish to connect directly with real time Twitter feeds, please click as appropriate:
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